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Papers of TSS_ARKS users

Welcome to this page which contains the articles and presentations on the conferences that were published/made by the users of TSS software. All the full-text materials are available for downloading.

P1. M.Bernhart and O.Fasina (Auburn University, USA), Properties of Fractionated Poultry Litter, presentation on 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting  P1 pdfsmall_1.gif

P2. S-B.Lee (Hankyong Nat. Univ., South Korea), O.Fasina (Auburn University, USA), TG-FTIR Analysis of Switchgrass Pyrolysis, presentation on 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting

P3. D. Cancellieri, E. Leoni, J.L. Rossi (Univ. of Corsica, France), Kinetics of the thermal degradation of Erica arborea by DSC: Hybrid kinetic method, Thermochimica Acta 438 (2005) 41–50

P4. Chuanji Zhang, Thermal decomposition study of hydoxilamine nitarte dusring storage and handling, Master Thesis, Texas A&M University, USA, 2006 

P5. S-Y. Wang, L-P. Chen at all (Nanjing Univ., China), Kinetics-based simulation approach to evaluate thermal hazards of benzaldehyde oxime by DSC tests, Thermochimica Acta 655 (2017) 319–325

P6. Z. Dong, H-L. Peng (Solvay Co.,Ltd, China), at al, Adiabatic Correction for the Esterification of Acetic Anhydride by Methanol via Accurate Kinetics, Chinese J. of Chem. Eng., Nov. 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.cjche.2017.10.005

P7. J-R. Chen,  C-M Shu at all (NYUST, Taiwan), Hierarchical kinetic simulation for autocatalytic decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide at low temperatures, J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorim., 2009, V 96, N 3, p. 751-758

P8. J-M.Tseng, C-M. Shu at all (NYUST, Taiwan), Thermal Hazard Simulations for Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide Induced by Contaminants, Thermochimica Acta, V.430, Issues 1-2, (2005)
p. 67-71 

P9. A. A. Kossoy, I.Ya. Sheinman (CISP Ltd., Russia), Evaluating thermal explosion hazard by using kinetics-based simulation approach, Proc. Safety and Envir. Protection. 82, Issue B6, (2004), p.421-430. (B6 Special Issue: Risk Management)

P10. A. A. Kossoy, I.Ya. Sheinman (CISP Ltd., Russia), Comparative analysis of the methods for SADT determination, J. of Hazardous Materials 142 (2007) p. 626–638

P11. A. Kossoy, Yu. Akhmetshin (CISP Ltd., Russia), Identification of Kinetic Models for the Assessment of Reaction Hazards, Process Safety Progress V.26 N 3, (2007) p. 209-221 

P12. A. Kossoy, E. Koludarova (CISP Ltd, Russia), J. Singh (HEL, UK), Mathematical methods for application of experimental adiabatic data - an update and extension, J. Loss. Prev. Process Ind. V 33 (2015) h. 88-100

P13. A. Kossoy (CISP), T. Hofelich (The Dow Chemical Company, USA), Methodology and software for Reactivity Rating, Process Safety Progress, V 22, N4, (2003), p.235-240 

P14. A. Kossoy, I. Sheinman (CISP Ltd, Russia), Effect of temperature gradient in sample cells of adiabatic calorimeters on data interpretation, Thermochimica Acta, 500 (2010) p. 93–99

P15. K. Middle (Chilworth, UK), Adiabatic Calorimetry of a Polymerization Process – A Study of Some Issues Overcome, Presentation at EDUG 2017, Lyon, France

P16. A. Kossoy (CISP Ltd, Russia), Adiabatic Calorimetry - new trends and some peculiarities of application,  Presentation at EDUG 2017, Lyon, France

P17.  A. Kossoy, (CISP Ltd., Russia), K. Middle (Chilworth, UK), J. Singh (HEL, UK), 2 unusual complex cases - how to deal with adiabatic data when traditional methods fail, Presentation at EDUG 2017, Lyon, France

P18.  J. Singh (HEL, UK), A. Kossoy, (CISP Ltd, Russia), Defining the “unwanted” runaway reaction  Hazard – using experimental data and computer modelling, Presentation at Hazardous Chemistry for Streamlined Large Scale Synthesis, Nov. 2017, Antwerp, Belgium
More papers concerning various aspects of TSS-ARKS applications can be found on the Researchgate  Research0

See also the complete list of publications of TSS/TSS-ARKS Users with the abstracts 

See also the lists of CISP articles and CISP presentations at Int. conferences

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CISP Ltd., (ООО "Химинформ"), Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation  


Papers of TSS-ATKS users