Papers of TSS_ARKS users
Welcome to this page which contains the articles and presentations on the conferences that were published/made by the users of TSS software. All the full-text materials are available for downloading.
P1. M.Bernhart and O.Fasina (Auburn University, USA), Properties of Fractionated Poultry Litter, presentation on 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting P1 |
P2. S-B.Lee (Hankyong Nat. Univ., South Korea), O.Fasina (Auburn University, USA), TG-FTIR Analysis of Switchgrass Pyrolysis, presentation on 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting |
P3. D. Cancellieri, E. Leoni, J.L. Rossi (Univ. of Corsica, France), Kinetics of the thermal degradation of Erica arborea by DSC: Hybrid kinetic method, Thermochimica Acta 438 (2005) 41–50 |
P4. Chuanji Zhang, Thermal decomposition study of hydoxilamine nitarte dusring storage and handling, Master Thesis, Texas A&M University, USA, 2006 |
P5. S-Y. Wang, L-P. Chen at all (Nanjing Univ., China), Kinetics-based simulation approach to evaluate thermal hazards of benzaldehyde oxime by DSC tests, Thermochimica Acta 655 (2017) 319–325 |
P6. Z. Dong, H-L. Peng (Solvay Co.,Ltd, China), at al, Adiabatic Correction for the Esterification of Acetic Anhydride by Methanol via Accurate Kinetics, Chinese J. of Chem. Eng., Nov. 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.cjche.2017.10.005 |
P7. J-R. Chen, C-M Shu at all (NYUST, Taiwan), Hierarchical kinetic simulation for autocatalytic decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide at low temperatures, J. of Thermal Analysis and Calorim., 2009, V 96, N 3, p. 751-758 |
P8. J-M.Tseng, C-M. Shu at all (NYUST, Taiwan), Thermal Hazard Simulations for Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide Induced by Contaminants, Thermochimica Acta, V.430, Issues 1-2, (2005)
p. 67-71 |
P9. A. A. Kossoy, I.Ya. Sheinman (CISP Ltd., Russia), Evaluating thermal explosion hazard by using kinetics-based simulation approach, Proc. Safety and Envir. Protection. 82, Issue B6, (2004), p.421-430. (B6 Special Issue: Risk Management) |
P10. A. A. Kossoy, I.Ya. Sheinman (CISP Ltd., Russia), Comparative analysis of the methods for SADT determination, J. of Hazardous Materials 142 (2007) p. 626–638 |
P11. A. Kossoy, Yu. Akhmetshin (CISP Ltd., Russia), Identification of Kinetic Models for the Assessment of Reaction Hazards, Process Safety Progress V.26 N 3, (2007) p. 209-221 |
P12. A. Kossoy, E. Koludarova (CISP Ltd, Russia), J. Singh (HEL, UK), Mathematical methods for application of experimental adiabatic data - an update and extension, J. Loss. Prev. Process Ind. V 33 (2015) h. 88-100 |
P13. A. Kossoy (CISP), T. Hofelich (The Dow Chemical Company, USA), Methodology and software for Reactivity Rating, Process Safety Progress, V 22, N4, (2003), p.235-240 |
P14. A. Kossoy, I. Sheinman (CISP Ltd, Russia), Effect of temperature gradient in sample cells of adiabatic calorimeters on data interpretation, Thermochimica Acta, 500 (2010) p. 93–99 |
P15. K. Middle (Chilworth, UK), Adiabatic Calorimetry of a Polymerization Process – A Study of Some Issues Overcome, Presentation at EDUG 2017, Lyon, France |
P16. A. Kossoy (CISP Ltd, Russia), Adiabatic Calorimetry - new trends and some peculiarities of application, Presentation at EDUG 2017, Lyon, France |
P17. A. Kossoy, (CISP Ltd., Russia), K. Middle (Chilworth, UK), J. Singh (HEL, UK), 2 unusual complex cases - how to deal with adiabatic data when traditional methods fail, Presentation at EDUG 2017, Lyon, France |
P18. J. Singh (HEL, UK), A. Kossoy, (CISP Ltd, Russia), Defining the “unwanted” runaway reaction Hazard – using experimental data and computer modelling, Presentation at Hazardous Chemistry for Streamlined Large Scale Synthesis, Nov. 2017, Antwerp, Belgium |
More papers concerning various aspects of TSS-ARKS applications can be found on the Researchgate |
See also the complete list of publications of TSS/TSS-ARKS Users with the abstracts
See also the lists of CISP articles and CISP presentations at Int. conferences