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Register for trial

Welcome to registration for trial use of TSS and TSS-ARKS applications. To get the trial key you should fill the request on the registration page

It is free and safe! As soon as we receive your request you will get the instructions how to proceed
with trial use of a TSS-ARKS application you are interested in.

Note that you should follow the same simple steps to get the permanent key if you have purchased the license already

To get the key fill please the request for TSS or TSS-ARKS application on the corresponding registration page.

Attention! To get a key you will need to indicate the hardware ID. Follow these steps to get it:
- download the setup of a program you want to try;
- install it and launch;
- you will see the registration dialog with the hardware ID generated automatically;
- copy it and paste in the corresponding edit of the TSS/TSS-ARKS registration form

If you purchased the license which allows installation of several coomputers then it is recommended to use the TSS-ARKS key request form. Download it and follow the instructions you will find there.

© 2011
CISP Ltd., (ООО "Химинформ"), Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation  


Register for trial