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New version of ARKS TA 18.06.2024 00:00
CISP is pleased to announce the availability of the updated application ARKS TA v. 1.3.11 1. Now it is possible to calculate Cp form DSC data preliminary corrected on the poistion of the experimental base line (blank). 2. The coefficients of the approximating polynomial are defined according to the temperature units chosen at the beginning of the approximation. That is, if you have chosen a temperature in degrees K, you will need to enter the temperature in K into the polynomial; the same is true for degrees Celsius
Новая версия программы ARKS TAr 17.06.2024 00:00
Компания CISP рада сообщить о выходе обновленного приложения ARKS TAr v. 1.3.11. 1. Теперь можно вычислять Cp по данным ДСК, предварительно скорректированным на положение экспериментальной базовой линии (бланка). 2. Коэффициенты аппроксимирующего полинома определяются в соответствии с единицами измерения температуры, выбранными в начале аппроксимации. То есть, если вы выбрали температуру в градусах К, то в полином нужно вводить температуру в К; то же самое справедливо для градусов Цельсия 3. Существенно переработана документация на программу
Refreshed list of publications of TSS-ARKS users 14.06.2024 12:23
After some delay, we have made available to the public a substantially updated list of publications of TSS-ARKS users. It now includes 97 titles with abstracts, so you can get a fairly clear idea of where CISP software has been successfully used and what useful results can be achieved. Follow this link to see the list.
New issues of CISP Newsletters N 16v2, 24 and 25 12.03.2024 11:59
We've prepared and issued 3 CISP Newsletters - N 16v2, 24 and 25 CISP Newsletter N16v2 is actually an updated version of CISP Newsletter N16. It reflects the new CISP Newsletter N24 is somewhat unusual in that it is really the scientific report rather than a digest. CISP Newsletter N25 continues to familiarise readers with the applications of the TSS ARKS software. This time we present the ConvEx software package. It is the analog-free powerful CFD software for simulation of thermal explosion in reactive fluids.
New version of ARKS TA software 24.02.2024 00:00
We are happy to announce the release of the new version ARKS TA 1.3.0. All the existing functions have been updated to provide more stable functioning, and several new useful features have been added, specifically:
New pages of CISP site in Russian 16.10.2023 00:48
Приглашаем Российских специалистов посетить первые русскоязычные страницы нашего сайта.
ARKS-Tar - the first russified version is available 16.10.2023 00:36
ARKS-Tar - the first russified version is now available. Выпущена первая полностью русифицированная версия программы ARKS TAr из серии TSS-ARKS. Программа ARKS TAr - аналог хорошо известной программы ARKS TA и предназначена для комплексной обработки и анализа термоаналитических данных. Для конвертации исходных данных выпущена версия вспомогательной программы ARKS DConv-r, имеющей русскоязычную документацию.
New version ARKS TA 1.2.7 16.10.2023 00:29
New version ARKS TA 1.2.7 has been issued. The main modifications are:
Report: Applying reaction calorimetry for studying reaction kinetics, June 2023 09.06.2023 22:17
New preprint is now available for downloading. We believe it will be useful for the users of reaction calorimetry that are involved, e.g., in studying reaction kinetics, chemical engineering, reactive hazard assessment, and so on. Kossoy, Yu. Akhmetshin, Applying reaction calorimetry for studying reaction kinetics, Report, June 2023 ABSTRACT Reaction calorimetry (RC) is a powerful experimental method, widely used for the reaction hazard assessment, in chemical engineering for chemical processes design, and in other fields.
CISP Newsletter N 23 06.06.2023 18:40
In this issue of the CISP Newsletter, we take a closer look at the latest, greatly expanded version of the ARKS HA (Advanced Reaction Kinetics Simulation - Hazard Assessment) program, which replaces the ReRank program that was developed many years ago. Страницы: 1 [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] |